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FEBUXOSTAT 40 MG TABLETS-Manufacturers, Supplier, Third Party Contract Manufacturing & PCD Pharma Franchise



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Febuxostat tablets are widely prescribed for the treatment of gout, as it helps in lowering the level of uric acid in the person. A gout is an arthritis form that happens when the level of uric acid is too much in the blood and further it turns into sharp crystals in one or more parts of the joints. This usually happens in some parts of the human body like the big toe, knee, ankle, foot, hand, wrist, or elbow.

Febuxostat tablets should only be taken if the symptoms are caused by a high blood uric acid level as the wrong use of these tablets can cause very serious heart-related problems and stroke. Gout attacks are sudden and cause serious pain in the person’s body, and often come with redness and swelling around the joint. The pain due to gout usually stays for 3 to 10 days, but the first 36 hours are the most painful for the patient.

Febuxostat Tablets can be taken with or without food or as recommended by the doctor. Don’t stop the treatment in the middle even when there is no gout attack as the symptoms may get worse because of the formation of more crystals in the joints. If the pain gets worse or the person feels some major issues, the area advised consulting the doctor shortly.

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